Bachelor’s Thesis
My bachelor’s thesis, carried out under the supervision of Prof. Andrea Maffei, lies in the field of representations theory and aims to prove the Bruhat decomposition and the Borel-Weil theorem. The thesis, written in Italian, is publicly available:
- repository with the source code;
- thesis in pdf format;
- presentation slides in pdf format.
Master’s Thesis
My master’s thesis, carried out under the supervision of Prof. Michele D’Adderio, lies in the field of algebraic combinatorics and aims to study the chromatic quasisymmetric functions and the Sharesian-Wachs conjecture, analyzing the existing literature and also adding some original remarks. The thesis is publicly available:
- repository with the source code;
- thesis in pdf format;
- presentation slides in pdf format.
Computers and IT
I am a big computer enthusiast. On my computers I use NixOS (btw previously Arch) with xmonad as window manager.
My favorite languages are Haskell and LEAN, even though I am not capable of doing anything useful with them.
I collaborated as a system administrator with SNS for the management of Starfleet and UZ, that is, the IT infrastructure of the Timpano college and the students’ IT network.